How can digital media be used for educational purposes? And how can they support professional and scientific networking? The „Office of Instructional Design“ of the „Educational Centre Bleibergquelle (Bildungszentrum Bleibergquelle)“ offers an overview of theories and good practice as well as information on scientific data and latest progress in the use of educational digital media. We offer
surveys on the current situation and effects of media use in educational institutions
development of strategies for digitalisation and digital networking in educational institutions construction of digital media and digital networking expertise
staff training in educational media use
planning and implementation of learning management systems (LMS)
evaluation of media education
The Educational Centre Bleibergquelle (Bildungszentrum Bleibergquelle) is part of the German diaconal association „Deutscher Gemeinschafts-Diakonieverband“. The Office of Instructional Design cooperates within this association with the Vocational College Bleibergquelle.
Achim Halfmann (M.A.)
Instructional Designer / Media Educator
Bildungszentrum Bleibergquelle
Office of Media Education
Bleibergstr. 145
42551 Velbert
Phone: +49 2051 417410
Mobile: +49 170 7268985